Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Holy War and Revolution

Hello, people of the world, comrades, fellow believers...
Theatrical openings aside I am announcing the opening of a blog dedicated,first, to the topic of Catholicism and it's relationship to Marxism, and second, to the life and times of being holding to the paradoxical position of being a Marxist and a Catholic here, in the United States, seat of the Beast. In practice, probably more the latter, given the constraints of my studies prevent me from detailing the niecites of theology and dialectical materialism. Well see how the process goes.
To start things up, however, here is a pointed quote from the Analysis of the Doctrine of Babeuf, a propaganda piece printed by the ultra-radical Concipracy of Equals, who sought in the closing phases of the French Revolution to turn the course of bourgiose reaction.
"Is it not to be feared that, not being paid any more than other jobs, they vanish to the detriment of society? Sophism! It is to the love of glory, and not the love of riches that are owed for all time the efforts of genius. Millions of poor soldiers go to their deaths for the honor of serving the whims of a cruel master. How can we doubt of the powerful effect that happiness, love of equality and the fatherland, and the workings of a wise political system can have on the human heart?"
A powerful put down of all Machiavellian/Hobbesian "realists" !